Creating a Place:
Bloom Cafe
and Books

Customers may notice that Dragonfly Gardens has a new building toward the rear of its retail shed, tall and brown and handsome.  That building houses an atrium, bathrooms, a small kitchen and an assembly hall capable of holding 60 people. This winter, Dragonfly is benefiting from the renovation of its retail shed, tying together the new and existing structures into a single retail hub.

Come visit our Store & Cafe at The Garden center!

Owners Peter and Alison Henry have been working on a place-based conception of doing business — where people can show up, relax, enjoy beautiful plants, eat wholesome food, while enjoying good coffee and baked goods.  And maybe lunch.  Especially in summer, when local gardens brim.

The new legal entity, Bloom Provisions, will create food and drinks, sell books, curate sundries, and host classes and occasional events with Dragonfly Gardens.  The emphasis of growing a “place” at Bloom is grounded by community, engaging those who love to garden — and those who don’t — by developing some extra sense of being here, in this particular place, whether through learning, sharing potluck or just savoring Nature’s local products.

Stop by and see what’s in Bloom.

Garden Center

Cafe & Books

The cafe will be open when it is “in bloom”, as plants do, and as with human inspiration.  But hours will be posted, food and drink will be available, and all the rest will fall in line.   Stay abreast of the latest here at the website.  And on Facebook.

For a deeper understanding of “placemaking” check out the term on Wikipedia.


Bloom strives to align with the enthusiasm and predilections of thoughtful people in these parts.  Whether through organizing a Buyer’s Club, curating local products, making seasonal grab-and-grows — who knows where it ends up?   It’s a place.
Based right here.  A small start, and from there, it grows as it interacts with the unique energies that gravitate to and around it.

Our Location

We’re located in Amery, Wisconsin – just a hop, skip and a jump from the major metropolitan areas of Minneapolis/St. Paul and Eau Claire.

Dragonfly Gardens 491 State Highway 46, Amery, WI 54001

491 State Highway 46, Amery, WI 54001
Get Directions